
Undergraduate Programme/Unit Catalogue
for 2000/01


Explanatory notes
Don't forget to look in the Catalogue of generally available units for units you can take in addition to your normal programme.

Programme Catalogues for modularised programmes:

Faculty of Engineering and Design
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Engineering and Applied Science
(formerly Materials Science & Engineering )
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Economics and International Development
European Studiea and Modern Languages
Social and Policy Sciences
School of Management  
Faculty of Science
Biology and Biochemistry
Mathematical Sciences
Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Sport and Exercise Science
Cross Faculty Programmes
International Management & Modern Languages
Natural Sciences
Catalogue of Generally Available Units


Catalogue of all Units

Please e-mail any questions or comments about these pages to stusys-support@bath.ac.uk.

This Programme/ Unit Catalogue is correct at the time of going to press - 19 April 2000.