
  | Catalogues for 2003/04 | UG index for 2003/04




Undergraduate Programme Structures for 2003/04

Department of Management

UMMN-ANB01: BSc (hons) Business Administration

Mode of attendance: Thin sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
MN10001 Behaviour in organisations 1 5 Credits
MN10002 Firm & the environment 1 5 Credits
MN10003 Introduction to research methodology 5 Credits
MN10004 Personal computing 5 Credits
MN10103 Business economics I 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
ED10001 Exploring effective learning 6 Credits
EU10204 Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10210 French stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10216 French stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10222 German stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10228 German stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10234 German stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10240 Italian stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10246 Japanese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10252 Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10258 Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10439 Spanish stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10539 French stage 1A (Beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MA10095 Quantitative methods 5 Credits
MN10005 Behaviour in organisations 2 5 Credits
MN10006 Business economics 2 5 Credits
MN10007 Firm & the environment 2 5 Credits
MN10008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC10007 Introductory macroeconomics 6 Credits
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
ED10001 Exploring effective learning 6 Credits
ED10002 Learning: Theory & context 6 Credits
EU10205 Chinese stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10211 French stage 7B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10217 French stage 4B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10223 German stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10229 German stage 7B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10235 German stage 4B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10241 Italian stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10247 Japanese stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10253 Spanish stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10259 Spanish stage 4B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10440 Spanish stage 7B (6 credits) 6 Credits
EU10540 French stage 1B (6 credits) 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
MN20086 Industrial placement 1 30 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Optional Units: Select 5 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20014 Money & finance 6 Credits
EU20141 Business French option 1A 5 Credits
EU20386 Business German option 1A 5 Credits
MA20096 Statistics 1 5 Credits
MN20009 Company finance 5 Credits
MN20010 Company law 5 Credits
MN20011 Cultures, work & society (CWS) 5 Credits
MN20012 Economics of strategy 1 5 Credits
MN20013 Employee relations 1 5 Credits
MN20014 IT & its business context 5 Credits
MN20015 Market analysis 5 Credits
MN20016 Marketing 1 5 Credits
MN20017 Operations management 5 Credits
MN20018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information 5 Credits
MN20019 Product costing & cost analysis 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN20021 Action project 5 Credits
MN20022 Portfolio project 5 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

Optional Units: Select 5 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU20142 Business French option 1B 5 Credits
EU20387 Business German option 1B 5 Credits
MA20097 Statistics 2 5 Credits
MN20023 Business forecasting 5 Credits
MN20024 Commercial contracts 5 Credits
MN20026 Economic analysis of financial decisions 5 Credits
MN20027 Economics of strategy 2 5 Credits
MN20029 Employee relations 2 5 Credits
MN20030 Financial control & performance evaluation 5 Credits
MN20031 Human resource management 5 Credits
MN20032 E-business 5 Credits
MN20034 Marketing 2 5 Credits
MN20208 Foundations for international business 5 Credits
MN20210 Introduction to finance & financial markets 5 Credits
MN20268 Developing identity through work 5 Credits
MN20275 Project management 5 Credits
MN30028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN20021 Action project 5 Credits
MN20022 Portfolio project 5 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MN20087 Industrial placement 2 30 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Optional Units: Select between 0 and 4 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC30026 Economics of transition 6 Credits
MN30028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action 5 Credits
MN30036 Consumer research 5 Credits
MN30039 Employment law 5 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
MN30048 Strategic analysis 5 Credits
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30051 Technology & innovation management 5 Credits
MN30065 Managing strategic issues 5 Credits
MN30105 Integrated marketing communications 5 Credits
MN30209 Investment banking 5 Credits
MN30211 Advanced corporate finance 5 Credits
MN30212 International business & the Americas 5 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN30052 Group project 1 10 Credits
MN30107 International Academic Exchange - out-going 30 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MN30068 Group project 2 10 Credits
Optional Units: Select 4 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30143 Business French option 2 5 Credits
MA30118 Management statistics 5 Credits
MN30035 Aspects of Japanese business 5 Credits
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30053 Advanced supply management 5 Credits
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
MN30055 Corporate governance & regulation 5 Credits
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 5 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
MN30062 International business law 5 Credits
MN30066 Strategic management 5 Credits
MN30067 Treasury management 5 Credits
MN30095 The emotional organization 5 Credits
MN30104 Portfolio management 5 Credits
MN30109 Business-to-business marketing 5 Credits
MN30203 Organizational leadership 5 Credits
MN30266 Decision making 5 Credits
MN30267 Global governance & international business 5 Credits
MN30270 Virtual organising 5 Credits
MN30271 Web information system development 5 Credits
MN30276 Management & organization in the PRC 5 Credits
MN30279 Economics, Institutions and Knowledge 5 Credits
MN30280 Political marketing 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits

Cross Faculty Programmes in International Management & Modern Languages

UXXX-AKB04: BSc (hons) International Management and Modern Languages (German)

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU10034 German politics & society 1A: Deutschland und Osterreich 1918-1939 3 Credits
EU10118 German business environment 1 6 Credits
EU10119 German written & spoken communication 1 6 Credits
MN10004 Personal computing 5 Credits
MN10070 Business economics 5 Credits
MN10078 National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects 5 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU10035 German politics & society 1B: Bundesrepublik, DDR and Osterreich, 1945-1961 3 Credits
EU10123 German business environment 2 6 Credits
EU10124 German written & spoken communication 2 6 Credits
MN10008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation 5 Credits
MN10077 Quantitative methods 5 Credits
MN10079 National business environment of UK 2 5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU20042 German politics & society 2A: Geteiltes Deutschland 1961-1989 3 Credits
EU20127 German language in the business context A 6 Credits
MN20080 Organizations & individuals 5 Credits
MN20081 Principles of marketing 5 Credits
MN20082 European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure 5 Credits
XX20087 German comparative employee relations 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU20131 German language in the business context B 6 Credits
EU20406 Perspectives on Europe - Germany 6 Credits
EU20591 Working through culture: Germany 3 Credits
MN20083 Organizations & people 5 Credits
MN20102 Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN20009 Company finance 5 Credits
MN20010 Company law 5 Credits
MN20013 Employee relations 1 5 Credits
MN20014 IT & its business context 5 Credits
MN20015 Market analysis 5 Credits
MN20017 Operations management 5 Credits
MN20018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information 5 Credits
MN20019 Product costing & cost analysis 5 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
XX20094 Year abroad in Germany - work placement 60 Credits
XX20096 Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange 60 Credits
XX20098 Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange & work placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU30135 German written & oral communication in the international business context 1 3 Credits
XX30110 German international marketing communications A 6 Credits
MN30085 The internationalisation of business 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30056 German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik 6 Credits
EU30058 German national option G8: Gender und Transformatsionsprozesse in Deutschland 6 Credits
EU30423 German national option G10: Territorium und Nation. Die 'deutsche Frage' seit 1945 6 Credits
EU30565 German national option G11: Zeitgeschichte im deutschen film 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN30028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action 5 Credits
MN30036 Consumer research 5 Credits
MN30039 Employment law 5 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
MN30048 Strategic analysis 5 Credits
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30051 Technology & innovation management 5 Credits
MN30065 Managing strategic issues 5 Credits
MN30105 Integrated marketing communications 5 Credits
MN30209 Investment banking 5 Credits
MN30211 Advanced corporate finance 5 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU30140 German written & oral communication in the international business context 2 3 Credits
EU30592 Germany in the global economy 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30052 German national option G3: Umbau 21: Bundesrepublik Deutschland am anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts 6 Credits
EU30053 German national option G4: Kultur und Politik in der ehemaligen DDR 6 Credits
EU30059 German national option G9: Die Massenmedien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 6 Credits
Students must choose 3 units from Lists A and B with at least 1 unit from List A:
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 3 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST A
MN30035 Aspects of Japanese business 5 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
MN30212 International business & the Americas 5 Credits
MN30276 Management & organization in the PRC 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST B
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30053 Advanced supply management 5 Credits
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
MN30055 Corporate governance & regulation 5 Credits
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 5 Credits
MN30062 International business law 5 Credits
MN30066 Strategic management 5 Credits
MN30067 Treasury management 5 Credits
MN30109 Business-to-business marketing 5 Credits
MN30203 Organizational leadership 5 Credits
MN30266 Decision making 5 Credits
MN30267 Global governance & international business 5 Credits
MN30270 Virtual organising 5 Credits
MN30271 Web information system development 5 Credits
MN30279 Economics, Institutions and Knowledge 5 Credits
MN30280 Political marketing 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits

UXXX-AKB05: BSc (hons) International Management and Modern Languages (French)

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU10005 French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises 1 3 Credits
EU10115 French economic & industrial environment 6 Credits
EU10116 French written communication A 3 Credits
EU10117 French aural comprehension/oral communication 1A 3 Credits
MN10004 Personal computing 5 Credits
MN10070 Business economics 5 Credits
MN10078 National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects 5 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU10006 French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises 2 3 Credits
EU10120 French legal environment 6 Credits
EU10121 French written communication B 3 Credits
EU10122 French aural comprehension/oral communication 1B 3 Credits
MN10008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation 5 Credits
MN10077 Quantitative methods 5 Credits
MN10079 National business environment of UK 2 5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU20011 French politics & society 2A: De Mitterrand à Chirac, Ruptures et Continuités 3 Credits
EU20125 French written communication in the business context A 3 Credits
EU20126 French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2A 3 Credits
XX20086 French comparative employee relations 6 Credits
MN20080 Organizations & individuals 5 Credits
MN20081 Principles of marketing 5 Credits
MN20082 European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure 5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU20128 French written communication in the business context B 3 Credits
EU20129 French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2B 3 Credits
EU20405 Perspectives on Europe - France 6 Credits
EU20590 Working through culture: France 3 Credits
MN20083 Organizations & people 5 Credits
MN20102 Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN20009 Company finance 5 Credits
MN20010 Company law 5 Credits
MN20013 Employee relations 1 5 Credits
MN20014 IT & its business context 5 Credits
MN20015 Market analysis 5 Credits
MN20017 Operations management 5 Credits
MN20018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information 5 Credits
MN20019 Product costing & cost analysis 5 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
XX20093 Year abroad in France - work placement 60 Credits
XX20095 Year abroad in France - academic exchange 60 Credits
XX20097 Year abroad in France - academic exchange & work placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU30133 French written & oral communication in the international business context A 3 Credits
XX30111 French international marketing communications A 6 Credits
MN30085 The internationalisation of business 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30017 French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle 6 Credits
EU30027 French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande 6 Credits
EU30028 French national option F12: Environnement, société, développement 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN30028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action 5 Credits
MN30036 Consumer research 5 Credits
MN30039 Employment law 5 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
MN30048 Strategic analysis 5 Credits
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30051 Technology & innovation management 5 Credits
MN30065 Managing strategic issues 5 Credits
MN30105 Integrated marketing communications 5 Credits
MN30209 Investment banking 5 Credits
MN30211 Advanced corporate finance 5 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU30137 French written & oral communication in the international business context B 3 Credits
EU30594 France in the global economy 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EU30015 French national option F1: La France et l'Europe 6 Credits
EU30016 French national option F2: La France urbaine 6 Credits
EU30429 French national option F15: Le leadership contemporain 6 Credits
Students must choose 3 units from Lists A and B with at least 1 unit from List A:
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 3 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST A
MN30035 Aspects of Japanese business 5 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
MN30212 International business & the Americas 5 Credits
MN30276 Management & organization in the PRC 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST B
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30053 Advanced supply management 5 Credits
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
MN30055 Corporate governance & regulation 5 Credits
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 5 Credits
MN30062 International business law 5 Credits
MN30066 Strategic management 5 Credits
MN30067 Treasury management 5 Credits
MN30109 Business-to-business marketing 5 Credits
MN30203 Organizational leadership 5 Credits
MN30266 Decision making 5 Credits
MN30267 Global governance & international business 5 Credits
MN30270 Virtual organising 5 Credits
MN30271 Web information system development 5 Credits
MN30279 Economics, Institutions and Knowledge 5 Credits
MN30280 Political marketing 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits

UXXX-AKB06: BSc (hons) International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish)

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU10453 Spanish business environment 1 6 Credits
EU10455 Spanish politics & society 1A: introduction to Spanish politics & society 1 3 Credits
EU10457 Spanish written & oral communication A 6 Credits
MN10004 Personal computing 5 Credits
MN10070 Business economics 5 Credits
MN10078 National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects 5 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU10454 Spanish business environment 2 6 Credits
EU10456 Spanish politics & society 1B: introduction to Spanish politics & society 2 3 Credits
EU10458 Spanish written & oral communication B 6 Credits
MN10008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation 5 Credits
MN10077 Quantitative methods 5 Credits
MN10079 National business environment of UK 2 5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU20459 Spanish written & oral communication in the business context A 6 Credits
EU20466 Comparative employee relations (Spanish) 6 Credits
EU20467 Spanish politics & society 2A: Introduction to contemporary Latin American studies 3 Credits
MN20080 Organizations & individuals 5 Credits
MN20081 Principles of marketing 5 Credits
MN20082 European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure 5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU20460 Spanish written & oral communication in the business context B 6 Credits
EU20461 Multiple perspectives on Europe - Spain 6 Credits
EU20529 Spanish politics & society 2B: further contemporary Latin American studies 3 Credits
MN20083 Organizations & people 5 Credits
MN20102 Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN20009 Company finance 5 Credits
MN20010 Company law 5 Credits
MN20013 Employee relations 1 5 Credits
MN20014 IT & its business context 5 Credits
MN20015 Market analysis 5 Credits
MN20017 Operations management 5 Credits
MN20018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information 5 Credits
MN20019 Product costing & cost analysis 5 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
XX20047 Year abroad in Spain - work placement 60 Credits
XX20048 Year abroad in Spain - academic exchange 60 Credits
XX20049 Year abroad in Spain - academic exchange & work placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EU30464 Spanish written & oral communication in the international business context A 3 Credits
EU30568 The politics of democracy & development in Latin America 6 Credits
EU30597 International marketing communications (Spanish) 6 Credits
MN30085 The internationalisation of business 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN30028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action 5 Credits
MN30036 Consumer research 5 Credits
MN30039 Employment law 5 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
MN30048 Strategic analysis 5 Credits
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30051 Technology & innovation management 5 Credits
MN30065 Managing strategic issues 5 Credits
MN30105 Integrated marketing communications 5 Credits
MN30209 Investment banking 5 Credits
MN30211 Advanced corporate finance 5 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
EU30465 Spanish written & oral communication in the international business context B 3 Credits
EU30569 The post-Franco party political system in Spain 6 Credits
EU30593 Spain & Latin America in the global economy 6 Credits
Students must choose 3 units from Lists A and B with at least 1 unit from List A:
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 3 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST A
MN30035 Aspects of Japanese business 5 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
MN30212 International business & the Americas 5 Credits
MN30276 Management & organization in the PRC 5 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST B
MN30050 Supply management 5 Credits
MN30053 Advanced supply management 5 Credits
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
MN30055 Corporate governance & regulation 5 Credits
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 5 Credits
MN30062 International business law 5 Credits
MN30066 Strategic management 5 Credits
MN30067 Treasury management 5 Credits
MN30109 Business-to-business marketing 5 Credits
MN30203 Organizational leadership 5 Credits
MN30266 Decision making 5 Credits
MN30267 Global governance & international business 5 Credits
MN30270 Virtual organising 5 Credits
MN30271 Web information system development 5 Credits
MN30279 Economics, Institutions and Knowledge 5 Credits
MN30280 Political marketing 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits


| Catalogues for 2003/04 | UG index for 2003/04